发布时间:2014-12-07 浏览量:0
第三章 账项调整与财务报表编制
1. 请描述公司的年度报告期间。(Please describe the financial period of a company?)
Normally the financial period is one year, which means to prepare a yearly financial statement. The reporting period is not only the calendar year, which ended in 31/12, it also can be a continuous 12 months or a 52 weeks period
(What is accrual basis accounting ?What is cash basis accounting?)
(What are the advantages of accrual basis accounting? What are the shortcomings a cash basis accounting?)
Advantages of accrual basis accounting:
(1) It can better reflects the accounting entity operation situation
(2) It increases the comparability among different financial statements in different periods.
(What are the two principles we have to follow when posting?)
Revenue recognition principle (收入确认原则) and matching principle(配比原则)
The purpose of posting is to make sure that when we receive the income, we have to confirm it and to record the expenses incurred together with the revenue received at the same accounting period.调整的主要目的就是让收入在取得的时候得到确认,同时将费用和它们所带来的收入记入同一个会计期间。
(Why we have to prepare interim financial statement?)
The preparation of interim financial statement is to provide valid information for the decision maker in time.
(Does cash basis accounting match the matching principle?)
No .
7.调整主要涉及到哪四种类型?(What are the four types of adjusting entries?)
(1)Prepaid expenses 待摊费用 (2)Unearned revenues 递延收入
(3)Accrued expenses 预提费用 (4)Accrued revenues 应计收益
(What is contra account? Please give an example of contra account.)
备抵账户是一种为了抵减其他账户余额而设立的账户, 它与另一个账户存在关联且二者的正常余额方向正好相反。例如,“累计折旧-设备”账户,该账户包含了以前各期资产的全部折旧费用。该账户的余额要从“设备”账户的余额中扣除,备抵账户是的看资产负债表的人既能了解资产的总成本,又能了解资产的总折旧额。
9.什么是预提费用?请举例说明。(What is accrued expense? Please give an example.)
Accrued expenses mean the costs which already incurred in one accounting period, but haven’t been paid and recorded. All accrued expenses must list as expense in the income statement.
预提费用是指在某一会计期间内已经发生,但仍未支付和记录的各种成本。 预提费用必须列入费用发生当期的利润表。
我们需要使用其中的收入账户和费用账户来编制利润表,通常第二步编制的是所有者权益表(statement of owner’s equity).