
发布时间:2014-12-08   浏览量:0


1.    实物盘点的目的是什么?(What is the purpose of physical count of inventory?

Nearly all companies take a physical count of inventory at least once each year- informally called taking an inventory. This often occurs at the end of a fiscal year or when inventory amounts are low. This physical count is use to adjust the Inventory account balance to the actual inventory available.


2.    常用的存货成本流转假设有哪些?

Please illustrate the inventory cost flow assumptions respectively.

(1)  specific identification 个别认定法

(2)  first-in, first-out 先进先出法

(3)  last-in, first-out 后进先出法

(4)  weighted average 加权平均法

3.    请分别指出下列存货成本核算方法各自的优点:个别认定法、先进先出法、后进先出法和加权平均法

What are the advantages of the four methods of inventory costing?

Specific identification exactly matches costs and revenues. Weighted average tends to smooth out cost changes. FIFO assigns an amount to inventory that closely approximates current replacement cost. LIFO assigns the most recent costs incurred to COGS and likely matches current costs with revenues.

个别认定法能够实现商品成本与它们所带来的收入之间的准确配比;加权平均法可以避免存货成本发生较大的波动; 使用先进先出法计算出来的存货成本最接近现时重置成本; 后进先出法将最近发生的成本摊入商品销售成本,而且还能较好地将现时成本与销售收入相配比。


What are the five principles of accounting information system?

Control principle  控制原则

Relevance principle  相关性原则

Compatibility principle  适应性原则

Flexibility principle灵活性原则

Cost-benefit principle 成本效益原则

4.    什么是特种日记账?请给出特种日记账的例子。

What is special journal? Please give examples of special journal.


5.    什么是明细分类账?请举例说明。

What is subsidiary ledger? Please give examples of subsidiary ledger.
